The Nuts & Bolts of Pedal Assist. What it is and How it Works?
Pedal assist is the near-perfect union of humans and machines. At the most basic level, pedal assist is the result of installing a battery powered motor on a bicycle. Think of it as the transformation of a regular bike into a bionic bike (i.e. ebike).
There are many individual components equally vital to ride quality on a pedal assist electric bike. Most important however, is understanding what the ebike can do after all the parts are assembled.

Ebike Pedal Assist
When you engage pedal assist on your electric cargo bike your legs continue moving but with direct collaboration from the motor. Rest assured, whatever amount of effort you push into the pedals, the ebike pedal assist will put in more; because that’s exactly what it's designed to do.
Ferla ebikes come equipped with an intelligent 5-level pedal assist that will boost your travel speed up to 20 m.p.h. The result is a seamless cycling experience that will leave you dreaming of longer trips and new roads.

The ability to travel great distances makes a pedal assist electric bike a fantastic choice for commuting, grocery shopping and sightseeing with the family.
Why reinvent the wheel when you can supercharge it?
Handlebar Throttle
A second feature on some ebikes is the throttle. The throttle entirely removes the requirement to pedal. If you’re in more of a cruising mood then simply shift into throttle mode. With a simple twist of the wrist you’re moving with confidence and ease.
Similar to a motorcycle or scooter, the electric bike with throttle is an excellent option if relaxing riding is what you’re looking for.

Riding an ebike with throttle may feel different at first since control of power has shifted from the pedals to the handlebars. It can take time to learn and feel comfortable with the change.
But before you know it you’ll be throttling downtown; kicking up dust on the streets and making friends at local spots.
The reason for using a throttle usually has to do with the weight of the bike. This is why the throttle may be considered essential for some cargo ebikes whose total weight would prohibit pedaling.
If you have the need for easy speed, an electric bike with throttle can’t be beat.
Pedal vs. Throttle. How to Choose?
Prior to making a choice between a pedal assist electric bike and an electric bike with throttle, ask yourself a few things:
- Ability: What do I need the bicycle to do?
- Speed: How fast do I want the bicycle to go?
- Distance: What is the range I want to travel on my bicycle?
There is of course the neatly packaged solution of purchasing a bicycle equipped with both pedal assist and throttle.

But if that isn’t an option, you can also test ride pedal assist electric bikes and electric bikes with throttle.
Go and feel for yourself the style of riding that comes with using different controls and discover for yourself a new world from the seat of an ebike.