Assess Needs:

Determine specific bike requirements and select the model of your choice

Consult Healthcare Providers:

Obtain necessary medical documentation.

Explore Funding:

Check insurance, state programs, non-profits.

Apply for Grants:

Complete applications for available grants.


If necessary, use crowdfunding platforms.

Purchase and Customize:

Work with Ferla Bikes to get your dream bike.

When placing the order, please contact our Sales Team to process the order with the discounted side-door package.

Contact Your Insurance Customer Support Department:

Check the durable medical equipment (DME) or Quality of Life Care equipment section of your policy. Adaptive bikes may fall under this category. Ask for details on what documentation is required for approval.

Speak to Your Primary Care Physician:

Get a prescription from your child’s healthcare provider in order to get prior authorization.

Medical Necessity Letter:

Ask your doctor to write a detailed letter explaining the medical necessity of the adaptive bike.

Supporting Documents:

Include additional documentation from physical therapists, medical professionals or other specialty physicians.


Appeal Denials: If your initial request is denied, always consider appealing the decision. Provide additional documentation and letters from therapists or other healthcare providers to support your case.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA): These accounts can sometimes be used to purchase adaptive bikes if they are not covered directly by insurance.


Depending on your state, Medicaid may cover adaptive bikes if deemed medically necessary.

State Programs:

Some states have programs that provide financial assistance for adaptive equipment. Contact your local health department or a social worker for more information.

DEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act):

Schools may provide adaptive equipment if necessary for your child’s education and inclusion in school activities.

Additional Tips:

Check Eligibility:

Review their criteria to ensure you qualify.

Gather Documents:

Prepare necessary documentation like medical records.


Submit a complete application, emphasizing your need and the bike's benefits.

Follow Up:

Stay in touch if you haven't heard back.

Option 5. Crowdfunding

In our experience, many families also obtained funding from platforms like GoFundMe.

Additional Tips

Create a campaign explained your/your child's sotry and the importance of implementive the adaptive e-bike to your life.

Share the campaign on spcial media to reach a wider audience.

feel free to share the link with our marketing team (, so Ferla can share your campaign on our Social Media platoform, to help!

Option 6. Local Community and Religious Organizations

Local organizations often support families in need:
  • Rotary Clubs: Many Rotary Clubs support children with special needs through various programs and grants.
  • Lions Clubs: Lions Clubs focus on serving communities and may offer assistance for adaptive equipment.
  • Knights of Columbus: Known for supporting families with special needs children.
  • Local Churches and Religious Organizations: Some religious organizations offer assistance programs for families in need.

Please contact our customer support if you have any questions or need assistance!